Back to the roots

Some news from the Messerschmitt camp, sadly not the most positive ones, Afrer ten years of shared Speed Metal madness, Chris has decided to leave the band for personal reasons. We wish him all the best and say thanks for lots of crazy memories.

After serious consultation and a couple of beers, the remaining band decided to go back to the roots and continue as a 3-piece, raw, unadorned and nasty!
First chance to witness it live will be today at the Charity Unleashed Festival in Oberhausen, featuring a pretty brutal billing, including our brothers in crime eradicator and the mighty Assassin!


17.05.2023 - Oberhausen
19.05.2023 - Stuttgart
20.05.2023 - Karlsruhe
07.10.2023 - Rauschenberg
28.10.2023 - Hamm

Time to say goodbye... for now

 It´s pretty hard to find right words, to begin a emotional speech. And I´m not good at it. I try my best to tell you, how things went the last months and the result of it.
First of all, to make it clear as possible, we are NOT splitting up. We just need a break. I need a break. It´s a pretty difficult job to lead a band, even if it´s a hobby. A hobby that takes most of your free time because you love it. And I still love it. Once I had a dream, making music i really love, playing awesome shows, releasing something that I´m really proud of. I did. But it´s a damn hard work and the business as well.
So the last years, long before our second album, it became common that our rehearsels were a two-man-show. That was ok, private things gone wild and as long as we were able to rehearse before a show with a full-strength team, I was fine with it. Somehow we were able to get our heads together and getting the second album done. And I can tell you, this was a really exhausting period of my life. Maybe the most exhausting ever.
When the pandemic arrived it was clear, it´s gonna be a weird time for everyone. Open, closed, open, closed and so on. Our practice room was empty for more than 6 months i guess. Could be a good time to get other things done and it was. Last year we got a chance for 3 gigs in a row and we were on fire to get back on the stage again. We had 2 good months to rehearse and prepare, we also had to create a new setlist since almost 10 years... what a good feeling!
After those gigs I was inspired and really hot to write new songs. I got some ideas together but something has changed. I can´t explain what it really was. I asked myself „are you sure to get thru this exhausting period again?“ I wasn´t. Days gone by and every second I thought about it. A sudden event accured, we had another gig incoming, but in 2 months we didn´t get a fvckin rehearsel together. Then I was sure: No, I can´t anymore.

I can´t say we are back in 2 months or 2 years or 20 years. If I´m motivated again, the other boys too, you will read it.

Thank you all folks. We will see us anyway


Back to the front!

 After 2 years of simply... nothing(?), hell breaks loose again! We added 2 shows for this year, maybe more to come soon.
First we play our "debut" concert in Hamburg on 19th Nov, more infos follow soon.
And the next one on 20th Nov, we take a ride to Oberhausen to support the legendary DESTRUCTION! Make sure to be there and enjoy our bloodshed!

19.11.2021 - Hamburg
20.11.2021 - Oberhausen

Pre-order has begun! Some new merch available!
Order all stuff via e-mail at joerg@ftwctp.de

"Cosumed by Fire" to be released on March 5th, 2021 (Vinyl and CD)

 Speed Metallers MESSERSCHMITT finally take off with the long-awaited second full-length "Consumed By Fire" on March 5th, 2021. They have recorded eight bullets for it. In addition to the regular CD version (white tray, 16-page booklet), the album will also be available on a to 300 units limited and hand numbered vinyl. 100 units will come in classic black, 100 in transparent marbled orange and another 100 transparent in marbled blue. Here's the track listing:

1. Fairchild            05:14
2. Consumed By Fire        04:18
3. Psychoqueen            04:18
4. The Vanishing Strains    05:56
5. Arms Of Havoc        03:55
6. A Masterful Bloodshed    04:33
7. Hematic Wrath        04:48
8. And I Crave To Die        06:20

Side A:
1. Fairchild            05:14
2. Consumed By Fire        04:18
3. Psychoqueen            04:18
4. The Vanishing Strains    05:56

Side B:
5. Arms Of Havoc        03:55
6. A Masterful Bloodshed    04:33
7. Hematic Wrath        04:48
8. And I Crave To Die        06:20

Pre-orders can be made here or directly at joerg@ftwctp.de

2nd album "Consumed by Fire" out on May 23rd 2020!

 As you already might noticed, the CD & LP version will be released at the end of the year. There´s no pre-order yet, but we try to be fair and give you the stream on Youtube for free! If you like to support us and want to enjoy the album anywhere you want, you can spend us 4,-€ or more on our Bandcamp site. Anywhere, checkout the BC site, we added some great new shirts and we are sure you will like them! 

Listen: YouTube               Buy: Bandcamp

First song "Arms of Havoc" online!

2nd album "Consumed by Fire" out on May 23rd 2020!


1. Fairchild
2. Consumed by Fire
3. Psychoqueen
4. The Vanishing Strains
5. Arms of Havoc
6. A Masterful Bloodshed
7. Hematic Wrath
8. And I crave to die

 Play with the speed of Exciter, release records at the pace of true Doom! Sounds contradictory? Well, we couldn't care less! Five years after the founding of the band we released our debut album "No Dread To Kill". The Earth completed five more revolutions around the Sun since then and here we are again with another piece of razor sharp Metal of Speed. We call it "Consumed By Fire" and it features eight tracks, consisting of our very blood, sweat and tears, distilled into the best riffs, rhymes and rhythms we came up with throughout the past five years. The album is a documentation of the way we live and love Heavy Metal. It breathes honesty and passion, beguiling the hearts of incurable idealists and dreamers. And it has edges and sharp corners, just like life itself in the strange days we are living in.
Talking about strange days, the Corona virus is currently giving us all a pretty hard time. People who make a living by art and culture suffer particularly bad, which includes club owners, organizers of concerts and festivals, professional musicians... in a nutshell: The foundations of the hard rocking underground. The whole scene has to bleed alot, being locked in at our homes with little to no chance to breath the air of the streets and rock the hell out of each other with our beloved boys 'n girls. Luckily we don't rely on the band financially with music being "just" a most passionate hobby for us. Still we feel the consequences of the whole fucked up situation, making it pretty tough to get a physical release done. So we had a long and intense debate, whether or not to delay the whole release until things went back to normal. The reason behind our final decision is the following: If our songs can make this whole mess even a little bit easier to endure for just one maniac or maniatrix out there, we don't want to postpone it just to get a proper promotional campaign done. That's why "Consumed By Fire" will be completely availible on all common digital platforms, giving everyone the chance to blast the songs to their hearts' content. If you want to buy a digital version of the album, of course that's much appreciated. But just do so if you can afford it. For many of us there are definitely more important matters at the moment than increasing our music collections. And if you still want to give us some support, just send us your honest feedback and spread the album to your buddys who might enjoy it! Finally, after we got through this big pile of shit, there will definitely be a CD version of the album, as well as - most important - vinyl! As announced, we have teamed up with FTWCTP records again and we have no doubt they will do a job at least as amazing as they did for our last album! 

Cheers and don´t mess with

Conquering the studio on friday!

 Dear maniacs, the whole mankind runs crazy at the christmas days, as well, we do the same. Nearly 5 years ago, we hit the studio for our first full-length output and finally we enter the studio again on friday 27th dec. and yes, this year, 2019.
Kris recorded his drum-tracks already 2 weeks ago (of course in his infamous "Tamminator"-mode). Now our journey leads us to Schleiden to the Liquid Aether Audio Studio. Prepare yourselves for a new album in early 2020!

And now we wish you a merry x-mas and a happy new year maniacs! See you in 2020!

Conquering the studio on friday!

 Dear maniacs, the whole mankind runs crazy at the christmas days, as well, we do the same. Nearly 5 years ago, we hit the studio for our first full-length output and finally we enter the studio again on friday 27th dec. and yes, this year, 2019.
Kris recorded his drum-tracks already 2 weeks ago (of course in his infamous "Tamminator"-mode). Now our journey leads us to Schleiden to the Liquid Aether Audio Studio. Prepare yourselves for a new album in early 2020!

And now we wish you a merry x-mas and a happy new year maniacs! See you in 2020!

New patches available! Check out our Shop

Official announcement: 2nd album comes in 2019!

 After all unfortunate circumstances thru the last 4 years, since the release of NDTK, we found some space and time to work on our new album. We made big progress the last months and some great shows we played and future bookings, gave us another push to finish everything. We won´t reveal any details yet, no exact date nor tracklist. Just inform you, since almost an eternity, that there will be new stuff in 2019!

As you maybe remind we already found a label for the LP version, again we go hand in hand with FTWCTP Records. For the new record we thought about a label for the CD version as well, but we will wait and see what happens.

Now that´s all for the moment, just wanted to keep you guys up to date and tell you that we are still alive and keep on working.

Cheers & don´t mess with

Patches & LP´s SOLD OUT!

Download the entire "No dread to kill" for free!


what an amazing evening last saturday! Thanks a lot for showing up and supporting us. And a damn big THANK YOU to the DEAF FOREVER community for inviting, taking care, feeding us and making everything so well. We pretty enjoyed every single minute and because almost everyone spent some bugs at our merch, we decided to give you something in return: Now you can download our first album FOR FREE! Thanks a lot dudes!

Cheers & don´t mess with


New Homepage online

Check out our new homepage and new site for mobile devices. Some new features and informations around the band have been added.
You also can visit our new Blog
and read some stories about the band and future plans.

FTWCTP-Records will release second Messerschmitt album on vinyl!

We are proud to announce that Jörg Müller of ftwctp-records will release our second album on vinyl! There was no doubt after the release of NDTK that we are in best hands and work together with him in the future. Yesterday we made it official with some cold beer!

Check out our label
FTWCTP - Records

Newest Blog entry
By Chris 18 Dec, 2019
Dear Maniacsss,

Our last blog entry dates back to April, shortly after our excursion to the north. So... What happened since then?

First of all, the demoing of our album kicked into gear at the end of July and was finished around October. Then, everyone happily assaulted Maik with their last complaints to tweak some stuff and finalize the music part of the songwriting. Regarding lyrics and vocal melodies, some heavy lifting still had to be done. As of now, everything except one song is pretty much cast in stone on that front - some final quirks and rearrangements will be added in the studio.

Speaking of "Studio". Kris began recording the drums on Monday 9th. As we are accustomed to, he turned into his famous "Tamminator"-persona and hammered in one or two songs each day. He wrapped up recording yesterday and can rightfully put his feet up on the couch and tell us to "have fun, losers!" or something in that direction. Bass and Rhythm Guitar parts will follow up next before Vocals, Solos, Gangshouts and the multiple Electronic/Synthesizer parts (kidding.) will be recorded. We plan to be done early January barring sickness (e.g. delaying the Vocal recordings) or organizational catastrophes.
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